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1984 to 1989

1984 – A committee made up of organizations and citizens of different backgrounds began working on the creation of an organization for young women in difficulties that are living in a homelessness situation. At that time already, the goal was to create a home to welcome them.

1986 – On August 25 1986, the Centre de secours pour jeunes prostituées de Montréal is incorporated as a charitable organization. Its mission is founded on the findings and recommendations of the Rapport sur la prostitution juvénile du CSS Ville-Marie of 1982, the Badgley Report (1984) and the Frazer Report published in 1985.

1987 – International year for housing homeless: a team of 4 people is in charge of developing the organization. At the same time starts the outreach.

1988 – A small office serves as a base for outreach workers and a support space for young women.


Substantial donation: The City of Montreal yields the actual building for a fictitious rent of 1$/month and a 43 years old lease. The first financial campaign has the goal of rising 200 000$ to assure the basics need to operate the house.


Thanks to donations from various foundations, Centraide, and government grants, the renovations are completed, and the residence is inaugurated on March 15. The house is established as a long-term accommodation resource with 17 places for young women aged 14 to 24, making it a first in Quebec and one of the few resources in Canada explicitly addressing young women who are or are at risk of becoming involved in prostitution.


The Action de type communautaire Alphonse Desjardins Award, along with les marathons des Écoles Catholiques et Jacob, helps support the organization through a financial crisis.

This year also marks the fifth anniversary of the shelter, celebrated at Zest in the presence of Sophie Lorain, who then becomes the organization’s spokesperson.

Additionally, Passages enters the spotlight with participation in the filming of a movie by Anne-Claire Poirier and the Sidérance tour.


Passages becomes the owner and now serves young women aged 16 to 22.

A video animation titled L’autre côté de la rue is created, with the animation and distribution in various settings managed by 7 young women.


L’autre côté de la rue becomes a project led by two trainers from the community. Integration also occurs through the new art workshops at Passages, which are linked to the La boîte à jobs project.


2000 – Passages changes its focus and becomes a resource for both housing and integration for young women in difficulty. In fact, the housing now offers 9 places.

2001 – A period of significant changes. Support and short-term housing (from 1 to 3 days) are now provided for young women aged 18 to 30. Outreach is discontinued.

2002 – Thanks to a contribution from the federal government, a significant increase in provincial funding, and the proceeds from the Angèle Dubeau and La Pièta event, low-threshold housing is once again available.

2005 – The building occupied by Passages is freed from any mortgage, and the house is rejuvenated thanks to a federal contribution. Sixteen places are now available, including 5 for stays of a few months.


Passages turns 20!

Development of a social housing project with 6 units and community support begins in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve borough. The advocacy platform “Pour une politique en itinérance” is launched.


Moved by our openness and unconditional acceptance of women, and convinced of our tangible positive impact on the lives of these young women, actress Caroline Dhavernas becomes the spokesperson for the organization.


Passages has a new look ! A new logo, new colors and a new slogan : “We take care of young women”.


Passages refocuses its services to offer emergency accommodation, with stays for short-term assistance (from a few hours to three days) and temporary housing (up to one month). The integration component of Passages now includes yoga workshops on Friday afternoons.

In the spring, the performance La caverne de fermières – un cercle de fermières avec pas de ferme is presented at the Théâtre Sainte-Catherine.


The COVID-19 pandemic, which hit us in the spring of 2020, cannot be overlooked. Quebec was on pause for weeks, but homelessness did not take a break. Our housing and accommodation services remained open, and the team had to be incredibly creative to maintain and adapt its services. Nevertheless, everything was put in place to ensure there were no interruptions in our services.

The shockwave from the pandemic reminded us of the importance of solidarity, mutual aid, and empathy within our society. We wanted to contribute to this discourse to emphasize the need for greater listening to field workers and increased solidarity with the vulnerable members of our society. It was in this context that the Passages reusable bag was launched. It served as a platform to discuss the realities faced by the Passagères and to raise awareness about the essential work of Passages. The money raised from the sale of our 150 bags (all sold within a week!) allowed us to continue fulfilling our mission: providing accommodation and a safe space for all young women in difficulty, without judgment or regard for their situation.


Passages celebrates its 35th anniversary! With the pandemic preventing us from gathering for a celebration, a book is created to allow the team, the women, and our partners to reflect on these 35 years of important work. Caroline Dhavernas, our spokesperson, reads excerpts from the book in a video shared on our social media for the occasion.


Born from a genuine need for a tool that addresses violence in intimate relationships tailored to young women staying at shelters like Passages, the Violences faites aux femmes project was launched in 2022. Led by an intervention worker, the Cercle des Passagères—as they named themselves—worked for several months to create a tool BY and FOR young women. The fanzine created by the Cercle des Passagères as part of the project is shared on social media, with partners, and with the Passagères. Over 9,400 people were reached through the fanzine’s posts on our social media platforms!

Art – Phany, inspiration : Evelyne Axell